Today's message is to BE COACHABLE! It doesn't matter what stage you are at in life, if you aren't able to receive coaching and constructive criticism then you won't get better! If you want to be better at something then you should seek out coaching, but more importantly, internalize what you have been taught and immediately put it into practice. This is true in the classroom, at your job, at home, as well as athletics. The faster you can develop that skill, the sooner you will begin to improve. It's about being humble and recognizing that other people can help you! A real athlete is able to accept coaching without pouting or feeling sorry for yourself that you didn't do something right. Guess what? A coach knows and understands that you won't do it right all the time and that's why we try to help you fix it. But if a coach is asking you to correct the same thing over and over you are showing that you aren't coachable and they'll stop helping you. Choose to be great today! Lion Strong!
Be Coachable!
Updated: Apr 30, 2021